Ashiatsu is a generic name for a type of barefoot massage where the massage therapist uses their feet to provide deep compression, gliding strokes and assisted stretches(ROM). Massage has been around for centuries, but most people think about massage being performed with the hands, not the feet.
Barefoot massage is nothing new.
It has been traced back to thousands of years in many countries and cultures, including India(i.e., Chavutti Thirumal, Marma Kalari), Japan(Shiatsu), Fiji, the Philippines, and the US(Oriental Bar Therapy, Rossiter), to name a few. A few of the differences between these types of barefoot bodywork are the support and balance methods the therapists use: rope(s) or cable(s) suspended from the ceiling or walls, single or multiple bars mounted to the ceiling, bamboo rod/staff or even chairs.